Choose the correct modal verb:
1) I found a briefcase on the train. – You ought to/can take it to the police station as soon as possible.
2) Did you get some money from the bank? – No, I didn’t need to/needn’t. I had enough in my wallet.
3) Sorry, I’m late. – You might/should wear a watch.
4) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t/mustn’t have got lost because I gave them a map.
5) Could/Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course.
6) We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.
7) When shall I visit you next? – You can/might call in tomorrow if you like.


Ответ дал: AlexStanK
1 ought to - следует
2 needn't - не было необходимости
3 should - следует
4 can't - не могли
5 Could - можно
6 needn't
7 can
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