Read and complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct

tense form.

1. If people … (to be) more informed about energy-saving technologies,

they … (to pay) less for their houses.

2. People … (not / to face) the problem of water shortages if they …

(not / to pollute) rivers and lakes.

3. If we … (to launch) an environmental project in our school, we …

(to draw) students’ attention to ecological problems.

4. You … (to trade) items of all kinds with others in your community

if you … (to want) to be environmentally friendly.

5. You … (to save) electricity if you … (to use) fluorescent

bulbs in your flat.

6. If there … (not / to be) the greenhouse emissions, we … (not / to

have) climate changes.


Ответ дал: cenzura
1.were..will pay
2.wouldn't face..didn't pollute
3.launched..would draw
4.would trade..wanted
5.would save..used
6.weren't...wouldn't have

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