Заполните пропуски местоимениями some/any/much/many
1. There isn't ______ milk in the fridge.
2. Would you like ____ apricot jam?
3. How ____ eggs do you put into your cake?
4. Have you got ___ meat? - Yes, there is ____
5. There are ____ oranges in the box
6. How _____ butter did you buy?


Ответ дал: Werrina

1. There isn't much milk in the fridge.

2. Would you like some apricot jam?

3. How many eggs do you put into your cake?

4. Have you got any meat? - Yes, there is some

5. There are many (или some) oranges in the box

6. How much butter did you buy?

Серегамэн: Спасибо, только я не понимаю почему в 1 much, почему не any?
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