! Кто навестил вас вчера?-Друзья моего сына.Мы были очень рады видеть их.Они прибывали (оставались) у нас до вечера.Где вы были вчера? я ходил в кино.Вам понравился фильм?Да это интересный фильм.Мне он очень понравился.Когда вы пришли домой? Я пришёл домой поздно и сразу-же лёг спать.Мы прочитали новый текст на уроке позавчера.Потом преподаватель задал нам вопросы,а мы отвечали на них.В котором часу вы сегодня обедали?Я обедал в три.Вы любите играть в шахматы?Да но я редко играю в шахматы сейчас.Я часто играл в шахматы в прошлом году.Я обычно провожу конец недели со своей семьёй.Мы решили поехать загород в прошлое воскресенье.

Stepa2004: Без переводчика


Ответ дал: SabinaSaba
who visited you yesterday?
- friends of my son
-we so happy see their
-They stayed with us till evening
-Where are you yesterday?
-I go to the movie.
-did you like the movie ? 
-Yes I did.
when you came home?
-I came home later, at once went to sleep
-we read new text the lesson the day before.
-Then the teacher asked us questions and we answered them.
-What time are you today dined? 
-I dined at three
-do you like play сhess ? 
-I play chess the last year .
-i like spending time with family
-We decided to go out of the city last Sunday.

Ответ дал: Werrina

Who came to see (=visited) you yesterday? - My son's friends did.

We were very glad to see them.

They stayed with us till the evening.

Where were you yesterday? I went to the cinema.

Did you like the film? Yes, it's an interesting film.

I liked it very much.

When did you come home?

I came home late and went to bed immediately (=at once).

We read a new text at the lesson the day before yesterday.

Then the teacher asked us questions and we answered them.

What time did you have lunch today at?

I had lunch at 3 pm.

Do you like to play chess?

Yes, I do but I rarely play chess now.

I often played chess last year.

I usually spend the weekend with my family.

We decided to go to the country last Sunday.

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