Have you got any pets?what are their names?
whats the name of your school?
what do you want to be when you are older?
whats your favourite subject?
whos your best friends?
whats your favourite song?
whats your favourite food?
what colour is your hair?
whats your favourite programme?
whate time do you usualy go to bed?
what do you like doing in your free tame? помогите ответить на вопросы


Ответ дал: yanamironova
1) At my school there is no name
2) When I grow up I will become a pilot
3) My favorite school subject literature
4) I have many friends at school
5) My favorite song is "White Rose"
6) My favorite food is dumplings
7) My hair is brown
8) What is your favorite program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"
9) I usually go to bed at 22:00
10) In my spare time I like to play computer
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