Место точек нужно ставит слова,помогите пожалуста!!!!!!!

1)I wouid like to improve my language because.....

2) I am looking for a chance to visit an English-speaking country because......

3)I would like to see myself in ten years time because.........

4)I dream of making a lot of new friends decause....

5)I hope to win Round-the-World tour because........


Ответ дал: caralimcea

1)I would like to improve my language because it will help me in the future.

2)I am looking for a chance to visit an english-speaking country because i need to improve my speaking.

3)I would like to see myselff in ten years time because i will be astonished.

4)I dream of making a lot of new friends because right now i am lonely.

5)I hope to win Round-the-world tour because i need to become famous.

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