решите пожаалуйста,очень при очень срочно.
в 44# и в 45# 1.-2. не надо делать!



Ответ дал: ezepter
1. Tom is shorter than Jack, isn`t he?
2. Helen is cleverer than her friend, isn`t she?
3. mr black is younger than mr smith, isn`t he?
4. helen`s bike is older than kate`s bike, isn`t it?
5. the apple is tastier than the pear, isn`t it?
6. marry isn`t at school, is she?
7. tom isn`t here today, is he?
8. Kate`s son isn`t a pupil, is he?
9. it isn`t cold today, is it?
10. Maths is difficult, isn`t it?

3. they were busy, weren`t they?
4. The boys were at the stadium, weren`t they?
5. Bill was at home, wasn`t he?
6. They weren`t happy there, were they?
7. Robert`s grandparents weren`t in Great Britain last year, were they?
8. Frank wasn`t in the country, was he?
9. it isn`t cold, is it?
10. it`s cold today. isn`t it?
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