16. Put the words in order to make a sentence.
1) the tourists 2) unattended 3) the luggage 4) the guide told 5) not to leave

In tasks 21–25 write the nouns, made from the given words. In brackets you have the number of letters that your answer must contain.
21. arrange – (11)
22. long – (6)
23. create – (8)
24. sensible – (11)
25. deep – (5)


Ответ дал: ezepter
The guide told the tourists not to leave the luggage unattended.

22. length
23. creation
25. depth

сашаплюс: помоги мне еще
сашаплюс: поможешь?
ezepter: попробую
сашаплюс: http://znanija.com/task/9691907
сашаплюс: вот тут
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