Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. This is ... hat. It isn't ... my hat. 2. Is this ... tie? — No, it isn't... tie, it's ... shirt. 3. Is this ... cat, or ... dog? — This is ... dog, it is eating ... bone. 4. My ... pen is bad. Give me ... pen, or ... pencil. 5. ... dog chased ... cat ... dog was big and brown, ... cat was small and white. 6. Sam bought ... newspaper and ... magazine. ... newspaper is on ... table, but ... magazine disap¬peared. 7. Tom lives in ... big house not far from ... of¬fice. There is... garden near ... house.
Задание №2
. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. Mary is ... secretary. 2. Have you got ... book? Give me ... book. 3. Does Tom collect ... stamps? 4. Would you like ... apple? 5. Mary has got ... small flat in ... center of ... city. 6. This is ... nice house. Does it have ... garden? 7. Have you finished reading ... book which Mike gave you? Return him ... book, please
Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1. My brother is a student. 2. Where is a key? 3. Oui room is big. 4. Her family is small. 5. That is a book. 6. Here is a pencil. 7. What is the answer? 8. Go to the window. 9.1 can see a ship. 10. That is a door. 11. Her* lived a Frenchman. 12. This is an apple. 13. This shee] is fat. 14. That is an order. 15. It is a pleasure.


Ответ дал: bearcab
1. This is a hat. It isn't my hat. 2. Is this a tie? — No, it isn't a tie, it's a shirt. 3. Is this a cat, or a dog? — This is a dog, it is eating a bone. 4. My pen is bad. Give me a pen, or a pencil. 5. A dog chased a cat. The dog was big and brown, the cat was small and white. 6. Sam bought newspaper and a magazine. The newspaper is on the table, but the magazine disappeared. 7. Tom lives in a big house not far from the office. There is a garden near the house. 
Задание №2
. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. Mary is a secretary. 2. Have you got a book? Give me the book. 3. Does Tom collect stamps? 4. Would you like an apple? 5. Mary has got a small flat in the center of the city. 6. This is a nice house. Does it have a garden? 7. Have you finished reading the book which Mike gave you? Return him the book, please.
Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1. My brothers are students. 2. Where are keys? 3. Our rooms are big. 4. Them families are small. 5. Those are books. 6. Here are pencils. 7. What are the answers? 8. Go to the windows. 9. We can see ships. 10. Those are doors. 11. Here lived Frenchmen. 12. These are apples. 13. These sheep are fat. 14. Those are orders. 15. These are pleasures.

bearcab: Последнее предложение можно перевести ка They are pleasures.
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