1. Вместо инфинитива употребите глаголы в Present Indefinite или в Present Continuous:
1. Many ships (to enter) and (to leave) the port every day. 2. It is 9 a.m. now. The ship “Pechora” (to leave) the port. 3. He (to work) at a plant. 4. He (to work) at his report now.
2. Вставьте предлоги for, on, at, in, from, into, without:
1. The Captain is responsible ... the ship’s safety. 2. Mr. Orlov is a scientist. He is ... the Far East now. 3. My friend studies … the Maritime College. 4. Translate this text … Russian ... English.
3. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, may или must:
1. Sam is ill, we ... visit him. 2. You … take my dictionary. 3. Cadet on duty … clean the blackboard. 4. … you show me the way to the port? 5. You … get there by bus № 2.


Ответ дал: r091995
Доброго времени суток! С новым  годом!
1) enter and leave 
2) is leaving 
3) works
4) is working

1) for
2) in
3) in
4) from ... to 

1) must
2) may
3) must
4) can
5) can

Аноним: И вас с Новым годом , спасибо за помощь )))
galina572319: 4) from ... to - надо: from ... into
Translate this text from Russian into English.
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