Помогите пожалуйста! Буду благодарна)
Write the answers.
1. How many seasons are there in the year?
2. How many months are there in the year?
3.Which month is before January?
4.Which month is after July?
5.What's your favourite month?
6.What day is it today? What day was it yesterday?
7.Where were you at twelve o'clock on Sunday?


Ответ дал: n2324
1)four(4)  seasons   are there  in the year/
2)12  month  are there  in the year 
3)December  is before  January
4)August  is after  July  
5)my  favourite  month is  May 
6)Today  is the Saturday/it yesterday  was Friday.
7)at  twelve  o clok  on  Sunday     i was  at home.
если перевод надо   скажите  перевожу

alexusik2003: Спасибо)
n2324: и вам спасибо что оценили моу решение
aljona2810: 1, 2 , 6 совершенно неверные
n2324: почему
aljona2810: there are 4 seasons , например
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