Представьте, что вы живете в 2100 году Вы только что получили друга по переписке из другой планеты. Напишите ему письмо с описанием жизни здесь, на Земле. написать



Ответ дал: mansurovaferuza
In the earth every thing is step by step changing .How will you understand this I don't know!First thing which can excite us is weather,because it is changing nearly every day.What about technologies?Now I will explain you,we have a kind of the cars which can fly.And I don't know how people lived 2 or 3 centuries ago.Because in that time cars or planes were really boring...Maybe they didn't know how the future life will change?I can't understand this thing.In the free time I don't read the books,reading the book was a habit of the historical times,if I need some kind of information I can find it from Internet.In the earth travelling is easy,and it is by flying car.
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