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Заполните пропуски следующими словами: arrive check enjoy go have have spend like work

Kati Varga's working day.
Kati Varga is the director of Commerzbank, a large bank in Budapest. She gets up at about 5:30 and usually goes jogging in the park. Then she …… 2 a shower and prepares breakfast for herself and her family. 'We all …….. 3 to have breakfast together,' she says, 'and that's great.'
She ............4 to work by metro. She ............sat her office between 7:45 and 8 o'clock. Then she works at her desk for half an hour. 'I always …. 6 my e-mail first thing every morning,' she says.
At 8:30 she starts her first meeting. She ............7 a lot of meetings in the morning with customers and also with other important bankers. 'I keep the afternoons free for staff meetings,' she says.
Two or three nights a week Ms Varga ............8 late at the office. She gets home late and often goes to bed after midnight.
She travels a lot and ............9 about 50 days abroad every year. In her
free time, she likes hiking and playing tennis. 'And when the weather is nice, my family and I really ............10 sailing,' she says.


Ответ дал: nindanil
2. has
3. go
4. arrives
6. check
7. has
8. works
9. spends
10. enjoy
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