Put each verb into the past simple or past continuous.
1. I ___ (have) a shower when suddenly there ___ (be) a knock at the door.
2. It ___ (start) raining while I ____ (walk) home and I ____(get) completely wet.
3. "Where ___ (be) you and what _____ you _____(do) at ten last nignt?" asked the detective.
4. I ____ (not hear) him when he ____ (tell) me what his nsme was.
5. Kelly ___ (work) when I ___ (call) her so we did not talk for long.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 was having-was
2 started-was walking -got
3 where were you -what were you doing
4 didn’t hear-was telling
5 was working -called
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