Помогите мне пожалуйста.
Help me please.

Find the mistakes and correct them.

My friends and I have a picnic in the park now.
Many people enjoy the rose show every year.
My friends take part in the popular festival every year.
Look, I am eathing a hamburger.

ЗеЛёНаЯяЯяЯ: Одна ошибка?


Ответ дал: ph05
My friends and I are having a picnic in the park now.
Many people enjoy the white show every year.
My friends take part in the popular festival every year. (тут ничего вроде исправлять не надо)
Look, I am eating a hamburger.

Pro100Polya2014: не всё переписала помоги ещё
Pro100Polya2014: I am seeing a bird
Pro100Polya2014: I am saying gootbyy
ph05: что???
Pro100Polya2014: Тут тоже ошибки
ph05: goodbye
Pro100Polya2014: И всё?
ph05: нормально все (I am saying goodbye)
Pro100Polya2014: spasibo
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