Complete the sentences with the correct from of the verbs in brackets; A past tense or would + infinitive.
1. If I _____ (live) in the country, I ____(have) a dog.
2. If I _____ (have) a lot of money, I ___ (buy) a speed boat.
3. I ___(go) to the party if I ___ (be) free that evening.
4. What ___you__(do) if you __ (offer) a million pounds?
5. If I __(be) you, I __(look) for another job.
6. If I ___(live) near to you, I ___ (come) to visit more often.

Пожалуйста,объясните как делать?


Ответ дал: панчик
1 lived, would have
2 had, would buy
3 would go, were
4 would you do, offered
5 were would look
6 lived, would come
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