Срочно! Пассивный залог



Ответ дал: Werrina

2. You will be given some advice by Doctor Brown. Some advice will be given to you by Doctor Brown. (Future Simple)

3. The hotel will be redecorated by a famous designer. (Future Simple)

4. "E.T" was directed by Steven Spielberg (Past Simple)

5. I was robbed by a pickpocket (Past Simple).

6.  The crystal vase was broken by someone. (Past Simple)

7.  He has been brought up to be polite by his parents. (Present Perfect)

8.  Penicillin was discovered by Fleming. (Past Simple)

9. The product will be advertised on television. (Future Simple)

10. That film is remade by someone. (Present Simple)



2. Money is kept by us in a safe. (Present Simple Passive) Where is money kept by us?

3.  She was stung by a bee. (Past Simple Passive) Whom was she stung by?

4. Italian is spoken in Italy. (Present Simple Passive) What language is spoken in Italy?

5. His aunt will be taken to hospital. (Future Simple Passive) Who will be taken to hospital?

6. The television was damaged by the boys. (Past Simple Passive) Whom was the television damaged by?

7.  The Mona Lisa was painted by Da Vinci. (Past Simple Passive) Whom was the Mona Lisa painted by?

8. 30 people will be invited to his party. (Future Simple Passive) Who will be invited to the party?

9. Bananas are grown in Africa. (Present Simple Passive) Where are bananas grown?

10. I was sent an invitation by my friend. An invitation was sent to me by my friend. (Past Simple Passive) Whom was I sent an invitation by? Whom was an invitation sent to me by?

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