Кратко ответь на вопросы, пользуясь образцом.
Образец: Who is watching TV now? (Paul) - Paul is.
Who watches TV every day? (Alex and Vova) - Alex and Vova do.

1. Who is having lunch now? (Natasha)
2. Who has lunch at 1 o`clock? (Larissa)
3. Wha is playing tennis now? (Vadim and Yegor)
4. Who plays tennis on Wednesdays? (We)
5. Who is going to school? (We)
6. Who goes to school on Saturday? (I)
7. Who is singing a song? (The children)
8. Who sings songs at Music lessons? (The children)
9.Who is reading a book now? (My aunt)
10. Who reads books every day? (We)


Ответ дал: Werrina

1. Who is having lunch now? (Natasha is)

2. Who has lunch at 1 o`clock? (Larissa does)

3. Who is playing tennis now? (Vadim and Yegor are)

4. Who plays tennis on Wednesdays? (We do)

5. Who is going to school? (We are)

6. Who goes to school on Saturday? (I do)

7. Who is singing a song? (The children are)

8. Who sings songs at Music lessons? (The children do)

9. Who is reading a book now? (My aunt is)

10. Who reads books every day? (We do)

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