Скажите это по-английски                                                    1.В её квартире есть спальня.В нашей квартире есть спальня ? 2.В моей комнате есть две кровать.В его комнате есть софа ?3.В нашей квартире есть кухня и ванная.В их квартире есть ванная?4.В его квартире есть гостиная.в твоей квартире есть гостиная ?5.В их квартире есть столовая.В твоей квартие есть столовая ?                                                                                 


Ответ дал: yulyamahonina

1. In its apartment there is a bedroom. In our apartment there is a bedroom? 2. In my room there is two bed. In its room there is a sofa? 3. In our apartment there is a kitchen and a bathroom. In their apartment there is a bathroom? 4. In its apartment is гостиная.в to your apartment there is a drawing room? 5. In their apartment there is a dining room. In yours kvarty there is a dining room?

Ответ дал: Alinka008

1There is a bedroom in her flat.

Is there bedroom in our flat?

2There are two beds in my room.

Is there a sofa in his room?


 3There are kitchen and bathroom in our flat.

Is there bathroom in their flat?


4 There is a living room in his flat.

Is there living room in your flat?

5There is a canteen in their flat.

Is there canteen in your flat?
















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