Опишите картину не через переводчик по этим вопросам. Помогите плиз.
1 What is the picture about? Where is it from? Why do you think that?
2 What is happening? Who is in the photo? What are they doing? What are they feeling?
3 What time of day/year is it? What is the weather like?
4 What else you can see in the photo? (e.g. in the background)


shevyakhovarte: умоляю решите


Ответ дал: Гокудера168
1 This picture is about runners. I thing that it is from Africa because there are negros on the picture.
2 It is a sport competitions. There are athletes in the photo. They are running. I think that the sportsmen are feeling tired.
3 I suppouse that it is summer morning. The weather is hot
4 Also I can see a car, trees and houses in the background

shevyakhovarte: огромное спасибо
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