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1)Jane wrote to her friend ... the new dress she had bought.
2)It is difficult for me to start a new business ... a smile.
3)Very few of us enjoy morning, apart ... during the weekend.
4) .... theory, morning should be a happy time, but ... people it is a stressful time of the day.
5) At least you can rely ... your family when you have a difficult situation.


Ответ дал: inararzazade
1 jane wrote to her friend ABOUT the new dress she had brought
2 it is difuccult for me to start a new bisiness WITH a smile
3very few of us enjoy morning ,apart IN during the weekend
4ACCORDING TO theory ,morning should be a happy time,but FOR people it is a strssful  time of the day
5  at least you can rely ON your family when you have a dificult situation

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Ответ дал: ShamanCat
4.Following the, for the
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