VII. Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами и их эквивалентами.

1. … I come in? (am able to/must/may).
3. The train … come at 5 p.m. (was able to/is able to/must).
4. You … do all your homework regularly if you want to get good education. (have to/can/may)
5. He … take an umbrella as it was raining. (was able to/must/ had to)
6. She … speak English and Spain fluently. (must/can/may)
7. Little Mike … go for walk alone near the house. (was allowed to/had to/was able to)


Ответ дал: Werrina

1. … I come in? (may).

3. The train … come at 5 p.m. (must).

4. You … do all your homework regularly if you want to get good education. (have to)

5. He … take an umbrella as it was raining. (had to)

6. She … speak English and Spain fluently. (can)

7. Little Mike … go for walk alone near the house. (was allowed to)

Ответ дал: hellenetk
1. may
2. ?
3. must
4. have to
5. had to
6. can
7. was allowed to
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