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Jack Robinson: I can’t tell you the exact day but I remember that
when I (be) a little boy I used (read) a lot. And once my parents (give)
me a book about British geography. When I (look) through the book I
(see) a picture of the Lake District. I (admire) the place greatly and at
that moment I (decide) (become) a traveler.
Interviewer: When you first (go) to the Lake District?
Jack Robinson: When I (leave) school my father (take) me on a
journey to the North England and we (spend) a few days in the Lake


Ответ дал: полинаP
1. Was 2. To read 3. Gave 4. Was looking 5. Saw 6. Admired 7. Decided 8. To become 9. When did you first go 10. Left 11. Took 12. Spent/ were spending
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