Задайте общие вопрос и дайте краткие ответы:

1. He lived in London.

............................... in London? - Yes, ................

2. They closed the box.

............................... the box? - Yes, ....................

3. She helped her friend.

.............................. her friend? - Yes, .......................

4.He looked at the picture.

.............................. at the picture?- Yes, ...........................

5.He washed his bike.

.............................. hi bike? - Yes, ..................



Ответ дал: аралымж

1. He lived in London.
did he live in London? - Yes, he did
2. They closed the box.
did they close the box? - Yes, they did
3. She helped her friend.
.didshe help her friend? - Yes, she did
4.He looked at the picture.
did he look at the picture?- Yes, he did
5.He washed his bike.
did he wash his bike? - Yes, he did

Ответ дал: Арайчоок

1. Did he live in London?-Yes, he did

2. Did they close the box?-Yes, they did

3. Did she help her friend?-Yes, she did

4. Did he look at the picture?-Yes, he did

5. Did he wash his bike?-Yes, he did

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