Put the verbs into the correct form.
10. Last Sunday the concert (begin) at 2.30 and (last) for 1 two hours. Everyone (enjoy) it very much.
11. You (like) your last job? - I (like) it at first but then I (quarrel) with my employer and he (dismiss) me. - How long you (be) there? -1 (be) there for two weeks.
12. Marry (feed) the cat in the morning? - Yes, she (feed) him before lunch. - What she (give) him? - She (give) him some fish, but he (not eat) anything.


Ответ дал: elinach12
1)began; lasted; has enjoyed 
2)Did you like your last job?-  (did) like ; have quarreled,dismissed;how long have you been there? have been
3) Has Marry fed the cat at the morning?- she has fed; What did she give him? She gave him --------but he didnt eat.

Аноним: А еще поможите? :)
elinach12: ну да,а с чем?
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