написати 10 речень про свою школу по англійській 7 клас ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО ПЖ​


Ответ дал: firemanco


I like my school. There I study, play sports and do many other interesting things. Here I found my first friends, and we are still friends. The teachers at school are very kind and will help you if you don't understand something. Here I learned something that I never knew or even suspected. There are many unusual classes and things at school. I strive to study and try to get good grades. Previously, when I was a first-grader, I didn't know this place, but now the school is like my second home. For me, the school is a cozy place where I spend time with friends and study. School is a ray of knowledge where you become smarter every day.

firemanco: надеюсь правильно я через переводчик писал
artem2000ivan: молодець
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