Why do you think people travel?


Ответ дал: Sukiasyan
In addition to the banal reasons: a break from the hustle and bustle, change the picture before his eyes, to see another ancient ruins, there is a deeper reason, but more on that later. It is clear that a change of scenery is also a useful thing - new experiences, emotions and all that. After all, they say, to make the right decision, it is necessary for some time to distract from the task and move on to something else. And where, as in travel, we can completely turn your attention to something completely new and unusual for us?
Ответ дал: Ёжrrr
In our modern world there are differentways to spend holidays. But the most popular one is travelling. As for me, every person has his own reason to travel. But the most common reason is to rest from daily routine. Another reason is to learn sometring new from foring countries, to meet new friends, to see intresting places. If I say the trueth its not important, becouse traveling is the king of pleasure for everyone 
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