1. My sister and I often (to swim) in the river in summer.
2. I (to swim) with my friends in the river now
3. He (to talk) about the new technologies now
4. Paul (to like) (to talk) about his carrier
5. His colleagues (to gossip) constantly about him
6. Those who often (to gossip) (not to be) trustworthy.
7. My niece (to play) at the moment though she (not to like) (to play) such noisy games in He evening.
8. The singers (to reverse) .They (to rehearse) in this music hall every day.
9. (Not to argue) with me? (Not to see) that there (to be) no other way out?!
10. They (no argue) always when I (to see) them!
11. This week my grandparents (to have a rest) in the country
12. Tom’s family usually (to have a rest) twice a year
13. Why you (to look) at me like that?
14. When you (to look) at her you (to see) that she (to be) the most beautiful girl in the world.
15. As I (to be) in trouble now I (to think) about all possible ways out.
16. I (to think) that it (to be) a good idea (to go) to the seaside this summer

Аноним: что сделать надо?
кристинnnnn: поставить в правильное время по правилам Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Аноним: ясно


Ответ дал: Servilleta
2.am swimming
3. is talking
4. likes to talk
6. gossip, are not
7.is playing, doesn't like toplay
8. are reversing, rehearse
9.don't argue, don't you see, is
10.don't argue, see
11. are having rest
12. have rest
13.do you look
14. look, see, is
15. am, think
16. think, is, to go
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