3. Write the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences.
1. Ann is finishing her cornflakes.
2. Mrs. Smith is passing plate to her husband.
3. The children are taking over their cornflakes.
4. I am finishing this article.
5. I prefer a glass of soda-water.
6. My cousin is leaving tomorrow.
7. The children are working in the garden.
8. The girl is going to write a letter.


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. Is Ann finishing her cornflakes?
2. Is Mrs. Smith passing plate to her husband?
3. Are the children taking over their cornflakes?
4. Am I (
или Are you) finishing this article?
5. Do I (
или Do you) prefer a glass of soda-water?
6. Is my cousin leaving tomorrow?
7. Are the children working in the garden?
8. Is the girl going to write a letter?

1. Ann isn't finishing her cornflakes.
2. Mrs. Smith isn't passing plate to her husband.
3. The children aren't taking over their cornflakes.
4. I am not finishing this article.
5. I don't prefer a glass of soda-water.
6. My cousin isn't leaving tomorrow.
7. The children aren't working in the garden.
8. The girl isn't going to write a letter.
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