3. Выбери  правильное  слово.   Обведи  соответствующую букву.

Example: Alice  ...  her birthday party yesterday. a) has    b) had    c) will  have


1. Jill  and Jim  ...  to the country every summer.

a)  go    b) went    c) will go


2. He  ...  this  fairy tale tomorrow.

a)  reads    b)  read    c) will  read


3. Tiny  ...  in Africa two weeks ago.

a) is    b) was    c) will be


4. Did you  ...  the flowers yesterday?

a) water    b) watered    c) will water


5. What did you  ...  the day before yesterday?

a) draw    b) drew    c) draws


Ответ дал: helperinenglish

Example: Alice  ...  her birthday party yesterday. a) has    b) had    c) will  have


1. Jill  and Jim  ...  to the country every summer.

a)  go    b) went    c) will go


2. He  ...  this  fairy tale tomorrow.

a)  reads    b)  read    c) will  read


3. Tiny  ...  in Africa two weeks ago.

a) is    b) was    c) will be


4. Did you  ...  the flowers yesterday?

a) water    b) watered    c) will water


5. What did you  ...  the day before yesterday?

a) draw    b) drew    c) draws

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