Перевести используя Present /Past/Future Continuous
Task 5.
1. Максим слушал музыку с 3 до 5 вчера.
2. Она переводит сложный текст сейчас.
3. Они будут смотреть интересные мультфильмы в 6 часов завтра.


exe: Task 4. Make up a general question, a special question a negative sentence.
1. Tom is waiting for his friends now.
2. The students were doing a computer test at 3 o' clock yesterday.
3. You will be playing volleyball at 4 o' clock tomorrow.


Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet
1. Maxim was listening to music from 3 till 5 yesterday.
2. She is translating difficult text now. 
3. They are going to watch interesting catroons at 6 o'clock tomorrow. 

exe: Task 4. Make up a general question, a special question a negative sentence.
1. Tom is waiting for his friends now.
2. The students were doing a computer test at 3 o' clock yesterday.
3. You will be playing volleyball at 4 o' clock tomorrow.
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