Choose the correct form of the infinitive in brackets.
1. Nelson is said (to write, to be written) a detective novel now.
2. Everybody saw Dick (leave, to have left ) the house.
3. Barry proved (to do, to be doing, to have done) this job perfectly well.
4. Mike is unlikely (to bring, bring, to have brought) the documents in time.
5. Amanda heard the children (shout, to be shouting, to have shouted) in the yard.
6. It was so hard for us (read, to read, to be reading) Ned's telegram about the accident.
7. Dick was heard (to say, to have said, say) this.
8. Nell felt something slippery (to crawl, crawl , to have crawled) on her hand.
9. Mrs. Walker is certain (to bring, bring, to have brought)  the flowers for the party.
10. It was really interesting for Mike (write, to write, to have  written) the composition at the contest.


Ответ дал: izumrud777
1. to write
2. leave
3. to be doing
4. to bring
5. shout
6. to read
7. to say
8. crawl
9. to bring
10. to write
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