9. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.
1. He opened the window before classes. 2. Ann translated a lot of foreign letters last mouth. 3. I finished work at five the day before yesterday. 4. He lived in Samara four years ago. 5. They came back home in the evening. 6. We sent a letter to our English friend. 7. I told them many details.

10. Поставьте следующие предложения в Past Indefinite Ten¬se Form. Добавьте обстоятельства времени.
1. My working day lasts eight hours. 2. Do you often get letters from your friends? 3. Does he do well at school? 4. We usually speak English in class. 5. We discuss a lot of questions. 6. I read many German magazines. 7. He always gives me some inte¬resting books to read.


Ответ дал: xxxALICExxx
1. He didn't open the windiw before classes
2.Ann didn't translate .......
3.I didn't finish ...........
4. He didn't live ......
5.They didn't come......
6. he didnt send........
7. I didn't tell...... 
А вопросительные какие именно? общие или специальные?

frozenhao: общие
xxxALICExxx: Did he open the window before classes?
xxxALICExxx: 2. Did Ann translate .....? 3. Did you finish ...........? 4.Did he live in.........? 5. Did they come....? 6.Did they send..........? 7. Did you tell them.........?
xxxALICExxx: там где многоточие там просто предл дописываешь как в утвердительном предл)
frozenhao: спасибо:)
xxxALICExxx: Всегда пожалуйста)
frozenhao: а 10 сможешь?
xxxALICExxx: 1. My working day lasted eight hours yesterday. 2. Did you often get letters from your friends last month? 3. Did he do well at school last year? 4. We spoke English in clas yesterday. 5. We discussed a lot of questions yesterday. 6. I read many German magazines last evening. 7. Yesterday he gave me some interesting books to read
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