Speak in groups about the environmental problems in our country.What can you say about the environmental problems in yuor country?




In my country               the forests                     are              cut down  

                                       the rivers                                            polluted

                                       the seas                                            destroyed

                                       the animals                                      killed

                                       the birds                                          captured and sold in pet stores.


Ответ дал: ploskinageorge

The ways  of life in many parts of the world have changed. This is the result of changes in the weather and the climate n many parts of the world.Besides this there are numbers of large factories,plants, electric power stations and railways all over the world,And today there are millions of cars and lorries on the roads.o the water and the air are already not so clean. Fires destroy the work of nature.Big forest in many places have burnt or cut down. People have always hunted valuable animals for their skins<fur and maet. Peaple themselvs have destroyed wildlife.Different animals,birds and fich are endangered now.For a long time people didn't see thar danger.Now many people understand that they have wasted theit national riches and try their best to protect Nature.














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