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Ответ дал: фая17
1) Did we ( you) have our (your)breakfast at the Institute canteen? We didn't have our breakfast at the Institute canteen. 2)Did he want to go to Kiev during the holidays? He didn't want to go to Kiev during the holidays. 3) Did our (your) English class begin at 10 o'clock? Our English class didn't begin at 10 o'clock. 4) Did I (you) get a letter from my (your) parents last night? I didn't get a letter from my parents last night. 5) Did my (your) daughter try to write the letter in English? My daughter didn't try to write the letter in English. 6) Did she make a report last week? She didn't make a report last week. 7) Did it snow hard? It didn't snow hard
Ответ дал: слюда
1where did we have our breakfast?
we didn't have our breakfast at the Institute canteen.
2when did he want to go to Kiev?He didn't want to go to Kiev during the holidays.
3whose English class began at 10?
Our English class didn't begin at 10.
4when did I get a letter from my parents?Last night I didn't get a letter from my parents.
5who tried to write the letter in English?My daughter didn't try to write the letter in English.
6She made a report last week,didn't she?She didn't make a report last week.
7It snowed hard,didn't it?It didn't snow hard.
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