помогите пж.9,b)
20 баллов



Ответ дал: Volkh
This is my pencil on the desk
This is our teacher in the classroom
It's his book in his bag
It's their clothes in the wardrobe
This is my friend next to me
This is her picture hanging on the wall

Это мой карандаш на парте
Это наша учительница в классе
Это его книга в его  сумке
Это их одежда в гардеробе
Это мой товарищ рядом со мной
Это её картина висит на стене

Ответ дал: КрутаяБаффи
This is my friend Ann. We are sitting in our classroom. This is my desk and this is her desk. It's next to mine. These are her text books. This is our friend Dan. There is a boy and his sister in the classroom, too. This is their tablet. This is his school bag. This is her pencil box. This is our teacher of English. She is looking at me saying: "Alice, this is your activity book. Please take it".
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