My school (0) is (be) near Nairobi National Park. Every day I (1) ______(go) to school by bus,
and very often I (2) _________ (see) giraffes, zebras and different birds. Sometimes we(3) _______ (see) monkeys. Last Saturday when we (4) __________(go) to the game park with my dad, I (5) __________ (watch) a lot of different animals there. It (6) __________ (be) very interesting.
I like living in Kenya because Africa (7)_____________(be) very beautiful.
I(8) ________ (be) from America, II think in the future I (9) ______(go) to the USA but I want to come back to Africa.


Ответ дал: galina572319
1 - go.  2 - see.  3 - see.  4- went.  5 -watched.  6 -was.  7-is.  8 -am.  9 -will go
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