Срочно!!!Пожалуйста помогите с заданием)

A- Complete these sentences with a passive form.

1. The policeman stopped Peter.
2. Millions of people watched the rock concert
The rock concert...
3. The workers will repair our bathrooms at the end of this week
Our bathrooms...
4. They've elected a new Prime Minister.
A new Prime Minister...
5. The government is rebuilding the old hospital.
The old hospital...
6. The engineers have closed the motorway.
The motorway...
7. our students write interesting articles for the school newspaper,
Interesting articles
8. Someone stole my laptop.
My laptop
9. The Portuguese team won the cup.
The cup...
10. The waiter in a red coat served dinner.


Ответ дал: CloserToTheEdge
Peter was stopped by the policeman.
The rock concert was watched by millions of people.
Our bathrooms will be repaired by the workers.
A new prime minister has been elected.
The old hospital is being rebuilt by the government.
The motorway has been closed by the engineers.
Interesting articles are written by our students.
My laptop was stolen.
The cup was won by the Portuguese.
Dinner was served by the waiter in a red coat.
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