Пожалуйста помогите поставить глаголы в нужной форме. 1. Peter (1. read ) a magazine now and Ban and Tom (2. work ) in the study. 2. Ann (3. sing ) upstairs. She (4. sing ) very well. 3. Mary and Susan (5. not count ) at the moment. Nike (6. count ) badly. 4.The door (7. open ) easily. Peter (8. open) the door now. 5.Look! Sam (9. leave ). He always (10. leave ) at 6 o'clock. Заранее Спасибо Большое!Пожалуйста помогите поставить глаголы в нужной форме. 1. Peter (1. read ) a magazine now and Ban and Tom (2. work ) in the study. 2. Ann (3. sing ) upstairs. She (4. sing ) very well. 3. Mary and Susan (5. not count ) at the moment. Nike (6. count ) badly. 4.The door (7. open ) easily. Peter (8. open) the door now. 5.Look! Sam (9. leave ). He always (10. leave ) at 6 o'clock. Заранее Спасибо Большое!


Ответ дал: cлюда
1.1is reading.2is working
2.3is singing4sings
3.5are counting.6counts
4.7opens8is opening
5.9is leaving10leaves

Аноним: Спасибо Большое!
cлюда: ок
Аноним: Попогите Пажалуйста даполнить предложения. Зарание Спасибо Большое!!!
It was 7 o'clock in the morning. Ann was in her bad (1) ______. It was time to (2) ______. She jumped out of her bed and (3) ______ the window. The sun (4) ______ brightly in the blue sky. The weather was wonderful. Ann dressed (5) ______. 1. A) bathroom B) bedroom C)kitchen D) living room 2. A) get up B) got up C) stand up D) stood up 3. A) came B) went up C) walked to D) came up 4. A) shone B) was shining C) is shining D) sh
cлюда: 1bedroom2get up 3opened.4was shining5and went to the
cлюда: 5bathroom-последнее словно
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