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Thirty years ago I was still unmarried and (1.live) with my mother.One morning in April while I (2. read) a newspaper I (3. come) across some information about a remarkable find of Roman silver .It (4. discover) three years before by a farmer from Mildenhall, in Suffolk,but the discovery for some reason (5. keep) secret until then. The newspaper article said the treasure (6. send) to the British Museum. The name of the farmer (7. give) as Gordon Butcher. The moment I (8. read) the story I (9. spring) up from my chair and (10. rush) out to my car. Mildenhall was about a hundred miles from my home and I (11. know) I (12. get) there by lunchtime. I (13. ride) about the town for about half an hour before I (14. find) the small house belonging to Gordon Butcher and his family. He (15. have) lunch when I (16.knock) on the door. I (17. ask) him if he (18. can) (19.talk) to me about the treasure. “No, thank you ,” he said. “I (20. have) enough of reporters. I (21. not, want) to see any more reporters (22. come) to my place.” I told him I (23. not, be) a reporter but a short-story writer working for magazines and that if he (24. tell) me exactly how he (25. find) the treasure, then I (26. write) a truthful story about it and (27. split) the money equally with him. I (28. expect) him (29. help) me and he (30. do).


Ответ дал: irina0suslikova
1.lived 2 was reading 3 came 4 had discovered 5 kept 6 send 7 gave 8 read 9 - 10 rushed 11 knew 12 got 13 had riden 14 found 15 was having 16 knocked 17 asked 18 would can 19 talk 20 have 21 dont want 22 come 23-30 (сами)

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