Think . Read about katy , john and Peter .Answer the questions.
1 Katy is taller than Peter .John is taller than Katy .
a Who is the tallest ?......................
b Who is the shortest ?................

Where Katy lives,July is hotter than June .July is colder than August .
a Which month is the hottest ?.............
b Which month is the coldest ?...........

3 Katy does her homework every day. John sometines does his homework .Peter never does his homework !
a Who is the best student ? ..........
b Who is the worst student ?........

John thinks Art is more unterestung than History and Maths is more interesting than Art .
a Which subject is the most interesting for John?........................
b Which subject is the most boring for John ?..............................
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Ответ дал: eximbvv
1a. John is the tallest.
1b.  Peter 
is the shortest
August is the hottest month.
2b.  June  is the coldest month.
Katy is the best student.
Peter is the worst student,
Maths is the most interesting for John.
History is the most boring for John.

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