Выразите удивление: Неужели?
Sam is reading-Is he?
Sam reads-Does he?
1.They are watching TV-
2.They watch TV-
3.Tim is skiing-
4.Tim skis every day-
5.Mery's got a new game-
6.It's funny-
7.My sister wants to go-
8.My sister want to go-
9.He often skates-
10.He's skating-
11.He's got new skates-
12.He can skate well-

Аноним: А можно только неужели?? :D


Ответ дал: sadgirl2003
1.Are they?
2.Do they?
3.Is he?
4.Does he?
5.Does she?
6.Is it?
7.Does she?
8.Does she?
9.Does he?
10.Is he?
11. Does he?
12.Does he?
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