Найти глаголы употрёблённые в Present Perfect Progressive.

Misha: What's wrong with you, Mark? You look pale and your eyes are red. Have you been crying? Mark: Of course, not. I have been surfing the net all night. Misha: What have you been looking for? Mark: I have been looking for the MacWizards' family history book. Misha: Oh no, not again. How can you find it on the Internet? Mark: Of course, I can't find the book. There is only one book and we've lost it. But I found the second part of the story about the Normans and Elmer. Misha: Really? Tell me all about it! Mark: I went to the Senate House Library website. They have a lot of old books and manuscripts there. I put the key words of the story into their search engine and... I found a copy of our story in the library. A hundred years ago my great-grandfather gave some copies of our family manuscripts to


Ответ дал: aleks2287
Have you been crying? Have been surfing the net all night. I have you been looking for?
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