They shared the car to the city. " We(1. go) the theatre after dinner," Mrs. Elliot said. " I (2. look) forward to it. I (3. not\ be) to the theatre for this weeks. There (4. be) such an exciting atmosphere in the theatre, don't agree? You (5. visit) the theatre often in London, dear"? " Quite often", Sara agreed. "I (6. enjoy) it, too," " Is this friend of yours a close friend?" Mrs. Elliot asked. Sara hesitated. "I (7. see) quite a lot af him lately, she admirtted. The cas (8. stop) at the hotel and Sara (9. go) out. Perry ( 10.wait) for her in the entrence hall. She (11.decide) to tell him everything after they (12. eat)


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They shared the car to the city. " We1. will go the theatre after dinner," Mrs. Elliot said. " I 2. am looking  forward to it. I 3.have not been to the theatre for this weeks. There 4. is such an exciting atmosphere in the theatre, don't agree?  Did you 5. visit the theatre often in London, dear"? " Quite often", Sara agreed. "I 6. enjoyed it, too," " Is this friend of yours a close friend?" Mrs. Elliot asked. Sara hesitated. "I 7. saw quite a lot af him lately, she admirtted. The cars 8. stopped at the hotel and Sara 9. went out. Perry  10 was waiting for her in the entrence hall. She 11.decided to tell him everything after they 12.  had eaten

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