Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuos: it usually_____(snow) in January here. Betty and James______(play) in the garden. They_____(build) a snowman and they____(throw) snowballs. Mother usually_____(watch) TV and Father___(listen) to the radio or___(read) a book. At the moment they ____(sit) in the living room.


Ответ дал: lnevos

It is usually snows in January here. Betty and James play in the garden. They build a snowman and they throw snowballs.

Mother usually watchs TV and Father listens to the radio or reads a book. At the moment they are sitting in the living room.


Ответ дал: lilibest98
1. It usually snows in January here. 2. Batty and James are playing in the garden. 3. They are building a snowman and they are throwing snowballs. 4. Mather usually watches tv and father listens to the radio or reads a book. 5. At the moment they are sitting in the living room.
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