Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.
1) I can't___(believe) it! I passed all my exams! 2) I really don't know how I managed___(pass) maths. 3) Now I need___(decide) what to study at university, but the problem is that I don't know what I want___(do).
4) A few months ago I decided___(study) biology, but now Im not sure. 5) It seems___(be) difficult to find a job as a biologist. 6) I suppose I could ___(become) a doctor, but it must___(be) a very stressful job. 7) My mum says you can learn___(enjoy) anything, but. 8) I wouldn't like___(work) in а hospital.
9) I enjoy___(work) with people. 10) I don't like___(do) the same thing every day. 11) I don't mind___(get) up early. 12) I love___(travel) and I prefer___(work) outside. 13) Oh, and I can't stand___(talk) on the phone for а long time. What's the best job for me?


Ответ дал: Vanek011
1. believe 2. to pass 3. to decide 4. to do 5. to study 6. to be 7. become 8. be 9. enjoying 10. to work 11. working 12. to do 13. getting 14. travelling 15. working 16. talking
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