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If you (1 — like) stories I (2 — tell) you a true story. It (3 — happen) to a friend of mine a year ago. While my friend Geoige (4 — to read) in bed two thieves (5 — climb) into his kitchen. After they (6 — enter) the house, they (7 — go) into the dining room. It (8 — be) very dark, so they (9 — turn) on a torch (фонарь) . Suddenly they (10 — hear) a voice behind them. "What (11 — be) up?" someone (12 — call). The thieves (13 — drop) the torch and (14— run) away as fast as they (15 — can). Geoige (16 — hear) the noise and (17— come) downstairs quickly. He (18 — turn) on the light but couldn't sec anything. The thieves already (19 — go). But George's parrot Henry (20 – be) still there. "What (21 — be) up?" he (22 — call). "Nothing," George (23 – say) and (24 – smile). "If something (25— happen) I (26— let) you (27— know)." And George (28 — leave) the room.b)The relations between dolphins and human beings long (1 — surprise) people. These relations (2 — last) for thousands of years. Pictures of dolphins (3 — use) to decorate the coins of ancient Greeks. Sailors (4— consider) the presence of dolphins near ships to be good luck. Now dolphins (5 — train) and they (6 — take) part in performances that both children and grown-ups (7 — like). When you (8 — spend) your holiday on the Black Sea coast you (9 — can) see dolphins (10 — play) near the shore. They usually (11 — come) early in the morning and before sunset. They (12 — consider) to be our friends. No one ever (13 — see) a dolphin attack human beings.

siveruss: какой задание, автор учебника/тетради
Nikita6376: ТEST 6
Nikita6376: III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.
siveruss: Автора скажи


Ответ дал: galina572319



1— like,      2— shall tell,     3— happened,     4— was reading,     5— climbed, 6— entered,    7 — went,     8— was,     9— turned,     10— heard,        11— is, 12— called,    13— dropped,    14— ran,    15— could,   16— heard,   17— came, 18— turned,    19— had gone,    20— was,    21— is,    22— called,   23— said, 24— smiled,    25— happens,    26— shall let,    27— know,    28 - left.


1 — have surprised,        2 — have lasted,       3 — used,       4 — consider,      5 — are trained,           6 — take,          7 — like,        8 — spend,       9 — can,   10 — play (playing),     11 — come,     12— are considered,     13— has seen.

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