Open the brackets
1. We _________________________(should leave) the dog at home on its own. Now we have to redecorate our flat. 2. Our plane _____________________(leave) at four in the morning 3. A man ____________________________(arrest) at the airport as he got off the plane. 4. I __________________________(run) so I was out of breath when I got home. 5. I _________________(know) Michael for seven years already. 6. I ___________________(read) when suddenly all the lights ___________________(go) out. 7. I __________________(hear) about Ann before I met her 8. But Elvis Presley is dead! I ________________________________(must see) things! 9. I ______________________________(pack) at 5 o’clock tomorrow. 10. We ___________________________(have) a test tomorrow.


Ответ дал: brownwolfrayme
1. shouldn't left
2. is leaving
3. was arrested
4. was running
5. have known
6. was reading went
7. had heard
8. must have seen
9. will pack
10. will have

AlEX1236: Shouldn't leave
AlEX1236: Leaves
AlEX1236: Was arrested
AlEX1236: Was running(had been running)
AlEX1236: Have known
AlEX1236: Is reading/went (go)
AlEX1236: Had heared
AlEX1236: Must see
AlEX1236: Will (shall) be packing
AlEX1236: Shall (will) have
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