100 БАЛЛОВ!!! ПОМОГИТЕ С АНГЛИЙСКИМ: Oxford Team 2 Workbook



Ответ дал: hellenetk
1. Cathy is in bed. She has been ill since yesterday.
2. I broke my leg in March. I have not played football for six weeks.
3. It isn't a secret! We have known about it for months.
4. This song is really old. I have not heard it for a very long time.
5. We live in London. We have lived there since 1996.
6. Have you seen Jodie? I have not seen her for a week.
7. I have known Paul since we were 5 years old. 

1. since 1995
2. for an hour
3. for months
4. since one o'clock
5. since last Monday
6. for four years
7. since January

1. Pam: I love your bike. How long have you had it?
    Ed: For about a year.
2. Jim: Who's your best friend?
    Sue: Catherine Brown
    Jim: How long have you known her?
    Sue: Since 1998

3. Mick: I'm going to visit my uncle in Texas in July.
    Jess: How long has he lived there?
    Mick: For six months.

4. Leah: There's a great new fast food place in town.
    Dan: Really? How long have it been open?
    Leah: Since Saturday.
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