Напиши что произошло два дня назад.

Слова для справок: be, call, do, go, join, meet, see, speak, spend,visit
1.We ............. five hours out of town.
2.Mr Smith..........his old friend in Red Square.
3.My parents..................the shopping.
4. My friend and I..................... to the cinema.
5.We................ a new film.
6. Boris..................... to Mr Adams.
7. Lena................. in church.
8. The children...................... the History Museum.
9. Mr Green................... his doctor
10.Tom ........................ the Chess Club.


Ответ дал: AdversialFlyer
1. Spent
2. Met
3. Did
4. Went
5. Saw
6. Spoke
7. Was
8. Visited
9. Called
10. Joined
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